About Rajesh Naik

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So far Rajesh Naik has created 3 blog entries.

How to make your company’s advertising effective?

By | 2020-07-20T14:38:43+00:00 July 20th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

Advertising adds excitement and creativity. Advertising is one of the most important parts of promotion. To reach and maximize the effectiveness, every company should try and develop a deep know-how of their market, their aim should be to make their companies more market-driven. Effective advertising helps the company to reach their potential customer and inform them about the products/services of their company.

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The 5 best ways for brands to have consumer connect Post Covid

By | 2020-07-20T14:49:51+00:00 July 20th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

Corona has drastically transformed the lifestyle. Everyone is now attuned to culture of working from home …schooling from home…. buying from home. Home has now emerged as the ultimate destination to reach the consumers as they are less likely to step out of home often. Deriving anticipated results from on ground activations will be a real challenge with stringent norms of social distancing coupled with fear psychology.

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How to choose the right location to book the exhibition stall?

By | 2020-07-20T14:47:12+00:00 January 20th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

Corona has drastically transformed the lifestyle. Everyone is now attuned to culture of working from home …schooling from home…. buying from home. Home has now emerged as the ultimate destination to reach the consumers as they are less likely to step out of home often. Deriving anticipated results from on ground activations will be a real challenge with stringent norms of social distancing coupled with fear psychology.

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